See the winning entries in the 2012 ‘What Makes Your Grandparent So Grand’ contest.
We were truly touched by all the loving words we read while going through all the “What Makes Your Grandparent So Grand?” contest entries!
Thank you for sharing all your sweet stories with us! Don’t forget to share them with your grandparents on Grandparents Day, which is coming up on September 9th, 2012.
It wasn’t easy, but we were able to select our 3 contest winners! Congratulations to Ryan Zahara, Maria Mahaffey and Brittany Addison who have been selected as our 1st, 2nd and 3rd-place winners!

Ryan has won the Photo Sentiments Canvas Print with the following entry that he wrote about his grandparents, Zeke and Charlotte Clark:
“A grandparent is a special gift. The memories of countless books read, racing Hot Wheels on the carpet for hours, running through the grass with Papa’s dog, baking cookies with Grandma, having sleepovers so Mom and Dad could have a break, drawing lessons from Papa and endless encouragement. Grandparents are like second parents, your second home away from home, with two people that love you just as much as your parents do, with added experience.”
Maria Mahaffey won a Photo Sentiments Table Top Canvas for Josephine and Anthony Pisoni with the following creative entry:
“G-ive me unconditional love
R-est my head on their shoulders to comfort me
A-re there to play with me every day to make sure I’m safe while Mommy and Daddy go to work
N-eed nothing but smiles to make me happy
D-on’t waste a single moment with me because they know nothing is as important as family”
And finally, Brittany Addison is the winner of the Photo Sentiments Coffee Mug thanks to the following entry that she wrote for her Patricia Addison:
“My grandma is grand because she is FUN! Grandma played waitress with us even though we asked for the same sandwich every day (cut into “fishy” shapes). She let us put barrettes in her hair and even went in public with her new ‘do! She played spinning tops and even made up her own games for us. We love her!”
Congratulations to all our winners and thanks again for everyone who entered the contest. Make sure you keep checking back here for new contests and enjoy your Grandparents Day!