Welcome Spring by enjoying the sunshine, warmer temperatures, fresh flowers and all that this season has to offer.

With record-high temperatures in Chicago this week, everyone headed outdoors to soak up the sunshine!  It’s a refreshing feeling to awake from hibernation, throw open the windows, and say hello to Spring. Kids riding their bikes.  Neighbors walking their dogs. Everyone trading snow shovels for yard rakes.

Spring means new beginnings.  A chance to start fresh. Brighten your landscape (and your mood) with flowers.  Add a fresh bouquet to your dining room table or your office desk.  You’ll be amazed how it perks up everyone’s spirits!

Move mealtime outside.  Whether it’s on the deck or a picnic blanket, nothing beats food and fresh air. Fire up the grill and enjoy the sounds and smells of that first sizzle of the season.

Skip the treadmill and hit the outdoors instead.  Walking, running, or biking all burn calories with nicer scenery than the gym. Call a friend to join your routine. (It’s harder to ignore your workout when someone’s waiting for you!)

Say good-bye to Old Man Winter.  Welcome Spring with all its glory! 


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