Wow, there’s a whole lot of love out there! We’d like to thank everyone for sharing their beautiful love letters with us!

The A Personal Touch staff went through tissue after tissue reading all of the romantic and loving words you wrote about your sweeties!

Even though there can only be one winner, we hope that you share the letters you sent us to the person you wrote them for. We promise, it will make their Sweetest Day all the more sweeter!

We’re excited to announce that John Dallal is’s “Dear Sweetie, …” contest winner with this love letter/poem he wrote for his wife Mary Ann:

Dear Mary Ann, my Darling Wife,

I love the way you listen and ease my cares away,

by your smile and your touch and knowing what to say.

I love your face, I love your voice and most of all my Dear,

what I really truly love is having you right here, as you’ve been for forty years.

Here, right here with me …

and I hope our love will reign for us eternally.

Forever with love,


Congratulations to John for winning the Your Love Letter© Personalized Sculpture which will be engraved with this beautiful poem so he can give his lucky wife Mary Ann the sweetest Sweetest Day present we’ve ever seen!

Thank you again for everyone who participated. Happy Sweetest Day!


Kate Sabino is the Senior Paid Social Manager at Personalization Mall.

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