With National Chili Day coming up on Thursday, February 23rd and with the winter’s chilly weather hitting us hard, it seems like now is the perfect time for a chili recipe contest!
People can be very particular and territorial about their chili. Depending on where you live, some people say that real chili isn’t made with beans, while in other parts of town they’ll say it’s not chili unless it has beans. And then there are the people who like to have fun with traditional recipes and add a new twist ingredient to them like cinnamon or even chocolate!
But no chili is complete without the main staples like meat, onions and tomatoes – all of which are ingredients that require a whole lot of prep work. That’s why the winner of the contest will be awarded their very own personalized You Name It Bamboo Cutting Board so that they have a beautiful place that they can use to create their masterpiece!
Since all chili purists seem to claim that their masterpiece recipe is the best in the world, we want to hear why your recipe really is the best for our “My Chili is the Best Because …” Recipe Contest!

How To Enter
To enter, all you have to do is send an email with the subject line, “Chili Contest” to social@pmall.com with the following information:
- In a few sentences, tell us what it is about your chili recipe that sets it apart from all the rest.
- Please include your full name and email address so we know how to contact you if you’re the winner.
Just make sure to have your emails sent to us before the deadline at midnight on Thursday, February 23rd. We will announce the winner of the contest, who will be judged by creativity and uniqueness and selected by our stagg, here at the blog on February 24th.
We look forward to hearing all your special recipes … our mouths are already drooling!
Good luck!