… Leslie Mirkes!
Leslie entered the “2012 Resolutions with A Personal Touch” Contest to tell us about the person she’d like to keep in touch with more in 2012 by using hand-written letters. Here is her winnng entry:
“The person I would like to be in touch with more is my sister-in-law Allison Miller. We live so far apart, I am in Illinois, she is in Florida. She is pregnant with her second child, and she frequently sends me hand-written notes from herself or from my nephew, and it ALWAYS brightens my day to receive them. I would love to be able to send a little sunshine into get busy life by doing the same for her.
Thanks for considering me,
Leslie Mirkes”
Thanks for submitting such a touching entry Leslie! For being named the winner, Leslie has won her own set of Personally Yours© Personalized Note Cards & Envelopes so she can keep in touch with her sister-in-law Allison!
Thank you to all the A Personal Touch readers who submitted entries – we loved them all!
Keep checking back here for more contests and chances to win great PersonalizationMall.com gifts!