bridal shower card

You’ve been invited to share in the fun and memory-making of a bridal shower. You’ve bought the perfect bridal shower gift and picked out a pretty outfit, and are ready to share in the bride-to-be’s joyous day. But before you head out to join in the festivities, you’ve got to figure out what to write in the bridal shower card.

You probably have so much to say and want to make the bride-to-be smile with love when she opens the card and reads your note. Should you be witty? Give advice? Share a memory? Writer’s block sets in, and you’re left staring at a blank page, searching for the right words.

Relax. There are plenty of ways to express your happiness and warm wishes, whether you’re their lifelong bestie, sister, or not-so-close work colleague — many great greetings exist for every type of relationship!

6 bridal shower card writing tips

The first thing to know about the bridal shower card, according to wedding planner and event stylist Lisa Lyons, is that it should be focused strictly on the guest of honor — the bride-to-be — rather than the couple. The wedding card is the time to share well wishes with the couple, she advises.

With that focus in mind, here’s some guidance to make a great greeting impression at the bridal shower.

1. Make sure the message makes sense

A bridal shower features a spectrum of guests; some are very close to the bride-to-be, like relatives or sorority sisters, whereas others fall under the category of “casual acquaintances.” co-workers or neighborhood friends perhaps. Although you might feel that the occasion calls for a card that expresses big, powerful sentiments, Lyons advises guests not to force emotions that aren’t sincere. “Most bridal shower cards will already include a brief message, so choose a card that fits the relationship you have with the guest of honor,” she says. “Give yourself ample time to read through various options until you find the right one.”

2. Keep it short and sweet

“There’s only so much room in a greeting card,” Lyons explains, “so make the most of the message.” She suggests keeping your wishes relatively brief. A few lines are ideal, but if you want to write more, keep it to a single paragraph. Remember, a wedding shower can be an overwhelming experience for a bride-to-be — she’s usually in the middle of all that last-minute wedding prep — so keeping your words to a minimum will allow for maximum reading enjoyment.

3. Keep it bride-to-be focused

When considering what to write in a bridal shower card, think from the heart and be sincere. “It doesn’t have to be formal,” Lyons says. “Warm and friendly always works well.” Lyons suggests sharing a short cherished memory that’s important to you both or something that speaks to the bride’s life and personality. The more specific you can be, the more the bride-to-be will know you’re thinking about her. 

lisa lyons mug

Express your personality. If you’re known as a fun friend, then that should come through.

lisa lyons

Wedding planner and event stylist

4. Personalize your quotes

Quotes can be useful when you’re looking for the right words to convey your feelings. However, Lyons advises using quotes as a way to accent your own personalized message rather than as a replacement. Also, make sure the quote you choose is appropriate, since written messages don’t always convey the context that spoken phrases do. “Stay with inspirational or joyful quotes as opposed to cheeky or satire, which can be easily misinterpreted.”

5. Stay true to you

While satire can be hard to pull off, there is a place for humor in your writing, Lyons says. “Express your personality. If you’re known as a fun friend, then that should come through.” She suggests considering your relationship to the bride-to-be, and if you have an inside joke or a special dynamic together, then you can lean into that.

6. Jot down a rough draft

Writing out a draft of a greeting card might sound a bit over the top, but it will make the actual writing a lot less stressful. As Lyons points out, “You only get one chance to write a beautiful card!” She suggests jotting down a test run, either using a notes app on a mobile device or just a sheet of paper. That way you can compose your thoughts, make edits, practice your penmanship (because who writes all that often these days!), and have the details all planned out.

Message suggestions for all types of relationships 

To help inspire your creativity and banish any remaining writer’s block, here are 75 suggestions for messages to write in your bridal shower card, including several faith-based examples. Use these as a jumping-off point, and insert your own personal memories and specifics unique to the bride-to-be. If you speak from the heart and with love, your message is sure to be one she’ll treasure for years to come. 

Bridal shower card messages to a sister 

  1. Watching you grow into the incredible woman you are today has been a joy and a cherished part of my life. Your big day is almost here, but before you say “I do,” I want you to know how proud I am of you. I know your marriage will be as vibrant and loving as you are. Love always.
  2. To my dearest sister, your wedding day is fast approaching, and I couldn’t be happier for you. I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness, and wonderful memories. You’ve always been my rock, and our bond will always stay strong. So excited for you to build a life with your true love. Congratulations!
  3. My sweet sister, it feels like just yesterday we were playing make believe and imagining what our lives will be, and now you’re about to be a bride. I’m so proud of the woman you are, and all that you have accomplished and will in the future. Wishing you all the happiness in the world as you step into this exciting new chapter in your life.
  4. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world, and I know [Partner’s Name] will give you just that. Here’s to a lifetime of love and laughter!
  5. To my amazing sister, your wedding day is almost here! I know you and [Partner’s Name] are going to have a beautiful life together. Remember, I’m always here for you, cheering you on. Congratulations and best wishes!
  6. I couldn’t be happier for you and [Partner’s Name]. May your marriage be filled with joy, love, and countless blessings. You deserve nothing but the best, and I know your future is going to be bright and beautiful.
  7. To my fabulous sister, congratulations on finding someone who can handle our crazy family! Wishing you a wedding day as beautiful as you are and a marriage overflowing with laughter and love. Cheers to the best sister ever!
  8. I can’t believe you’re getting married! Remember, marriage is a relationship where one person is always right and the other is the husband. Just kidding! Wishing you a fun and love-filled marriage!
  9. Sis, your marriage is going to be everything you always dreamed of: romance, adoration, compliments, devotion. How do I know? Because I’m your sister, and you know I’m always right! Just jokes, but what is real is my love for you. Happy wedding shower day, and here’s to two fabulous people having an even more fabulous forever together.
  10. To my sister, the soon-to-be bride, may your wedding day be more organized than our childhood bedroom and your marriage as happy as our slumber parties. Congratulations and lots of love!
  11. I can’t believe the big day is almost here! You’ve always been my best friend and confidante, and now you’re starting this amazing new journey. Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world. Congratulations!
  12. Remember all those nights spent whispering secrets and braiding each other’s hair while dreaming about our fairytale weddings? Time really does fly! Now, watching you choose your wedding dress and make plans for the future fills me with a warmth that words can barely express. May your marriage be a beautiful mix of comfort, understanding, and endless possibilities.
  13. Sister, ever since we were little girls, we’ve shared countless dreams and aspirations. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to watch you find your soulmate and build a life together. I know your marriage will be filled with love, and I can’t wait to make memories with you both. Here’s to endless laughter, cherished memories, and a love that grows stronger with each passing year. Congratulations!
  14. From squabbles over who gets the bigger piece of cake to late-night talks about everything and nothing, we’ve shared a bond unlike any other. You’re more than just a sister — you’re my confidante, my partner in crime, and my forever friend. Finding someone who complements you as perfectly as [Partner’s Name] is amazing to see. I can’t wait to celebrate your love and witness the beautiful life you’ll build together as a couple.
Girl bride signs invitations to wedding, in foreground delicate pink bouquet from groom

Bridal shower card messages from mother to daughter 

  1. Here we are, my beautiful bride-to-be daughter. I’ve dreamed of this day since you were born, but what I never could have imagined is the strong, accomplished, creative, and caring woman you’ve become. I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to be by your side as you walk down the aisle.
  2. My darling daughter, my wish to you is what it has always been — that you never stop growing, love without fear, and embrace the adventure that is life. You’ve far surpassed what I imagined you would be when you were born. I love the child you were and the woman you’ve become.
  3. This is a day I’ve dreamed of for so long, and it is such an honor to be here with you in this moment to share in your joy. I can’t tell you how happy I am for you. I’ve always wished for you to find your soulmate, and seeing you and [Partner’s Name] together shows what true love looks like. May you continue to love and support each other for many years to come.
  4. From the moment I first looked into your eyes, you were my world and I learned what true love meant. Today, seeing how you’ve grown through hard work, determination, and dedication, makes me love you even more. I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become and look forward to watching you experience the joys of married life.
  5. To my beloved daughter, as you step into this new chapter of life, may the Lord’s light guide your path and His love surround your marriage. I pray that your union is filled with grace, joy, and abundant blessings. Congratulations on your beautiful union.
  6. It fills my heart with joy knowing you have found that special person you want to spend your life with. As you prepare for this incredible journey, know that my heart overflows with pride and love for the woman you’ve become. May your marriage be filled with endless joy, unwavering love, and cherished moments that last a lifetime.
  7. My dearest daughter, may God’s love always guide your path, His grace strengthen your bond, and His blessings shower upon your union abundantly. Trust in His plan, lean on His wisdom, and may your marriage be a testament to His unfailing love.
  8. May God’s love be the foundation of your marriage, His wisdom your guide, and His grace your strength. Wishing you a lifetime of blessings and joy as you begin this sacred journey together.

Bridal shower card messages to a best friend 

  1. The memories we’ve shared together could fill up a book (a juicy book that gets made into a movie!). But I only have a page here, so I’ll try to keep it short. Bestie, I’m so happy for you, and words can’t capture the feeling I have when I see you and [Partner’s Name] together. You’ve found your happily ever after, and no one deserves that more than you. Now let’s pop some bottles and make some memories on the reception dance floor!
  2. Ready to trade your club clothes for PJs…your nights out with the girls for turning in early…brunches with bottomless mimosas for laundry and couples housekeeping? Good, neither am I! But tell [Partner’s Name] the invites are now for two. Here’s to more fun, more love, and getting to share my bestie with a truly amazing person.
  3. Your wedding day is almost here, and I pray that God’s love and guidance are with you every step of the way. May your marriage be a testament to His blessings, filled with love, joy, and faith. Wishing you all the best, my bestest friend!
  4. I am beyond excited for you as you step into this beautiful new chapter! May God’s love and blessings be with you and [Partner’s Name] every step of the way. Your love story is just beginning, and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things God has in store for you both.
  5. Congratulations on finding someone who’s brave enough to put up with you forever! Just kidding (kind of). Wishing you a lifetime of love and laughter, and a never-ending supply of patience. I know you already have that being my bestie!

Bridal shower card messages for a sorority sister 

  1. When we pledged to remain sisters back in college, I always knew we would be an important part of each other’s lives. As you start this new journey as a united couple, here’s to our bond remaining strong and evolving just as it has since graduation. I will always value our friendship and wish you nothing but the best in life.
  2. I’ve watched how hard you worked, from the days when we first pledged together to become the person you are today. I know what a loyal friend, passionate supporter, and dependable confidante you can be to those you care about. That’s why I can say with confidence that [Partner’s Name] is so lucky to have you and you’ll make an amazing wife! I’m so grateful to share this experience with you!
Women With Presents At Wedding Shower

Bridal shower card messages to a college friend

  1. We’ve been together through so many unforgettable moments, and a few we’d both like to forget! But through the good times and the bad, our friendship has remained strong. I’m so excited for you to experience the magic of your wedding day. I know you found forever, and it couldn’t have happened to a better friend.
  2. Who would have thought when we first met at school that we’d be here today? It is an honor and a privilege to call you my friend, and I’m so thrilled for you to start on this new journey as a wife. Your love inspires me, and I can’t wait to make more memories with you in the future.

Bridal shower card messages from an aunt to her niece 

  1. As your aunt, I’ve watched you grow from a giggly little girl to the stunning bride-to-be you are today. Seeing the joy in your eyes as you start your forever together warms my heart beyond words. Remember, marriage is like a rollercoaster ride — full of ups and downs, twists and turns. But I’ll be there like I always have been to support you through this amazing experience. I’m so proud of you.
  2. As you step into this beautiful journey of marriage, know that you carry with you the love and wisdom of your entire family, including this proud aunt of yours. Here’s to a lifetime of joy, blessings, and happily-ever-afters! It’s been a joy watching you grow, and I look forward to this beautiful new chapter you’re writing.
  3. As you prepare to walk down the aisle, my niece, may God’s love and blessings surround you, guiding your steps and filling your heart with joy. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and a marriage filled with His grace.

Bridal shower card messages to a cousin

  1. Remember all those embarrassing childhood stories you swore I’d never tell? Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me…this time! (Just kidding!) But seriously, watching you blossom into the incredible woman you are today fills me with immense pride. Congratulations on finding your perfect match, cousin! Here’s to a marriage full of laughter, love, and maybe a few embarrassing childhood stories shared with the newest addition to the family (wink, wink).
  2. Marriage is like a never-ending sleepover…except with laundry, dishes, and someone snoring (hopefully not you!). Just kidding! Seriously though, I’m so happy you found your soulmate. Here’s to a lifetime of fun, adventures, and late-night talks (because let’s be honest, sleepovers never truly end!). Congratulations, cousin!

Bridal shower card messages from a sister-in-law 

  1. You know how I know [Partner’s Name]’s family will be so happy to have you as a part of their family? Because you welcomed me into your family and became a treasured part of my life. I’m so glad we’re sisters-in-law, and I look forward to celebrating your special love on your big day.
  2. Remember when we were just getting to know one another? And now I couldn’t imagine life without you as a part of it! I’m so happy for you! Now we can be two happily married ladies together!
  3. Ready for all my unsolicited marriage advice? When should we start? Just kidding, but I am here for you as you have been for me. I’m grateful for how you embraced me when I joined your family, and now we are looking forward to welcoming [Partner’s Name] into the family as well. Here’s to a joyous shower day!
bridal shower card messages card

Bridal shower card messages to a coworker

  1. Happy shower day! Your wedding day is almost here. Now, I just have one request: Promise me you will not check your work email on your honeymoon! You know we’ll be waiting with plenty of projects when you get back, so enjoy your day and your time away! Congrats!
  2. Congrats on finding someone who loves you almost as much as you love your morning coffee! Happy shower day!
  3. Here’s to a future filled with love, laughter, and a kitchen full of gadgets you’ll never use. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Here’s to many wonderful years of wedded bliss.
  4. Congrats on your engagement! Remember, nothing says love like matching bathrobes. Happy shower day!
  5. Congrats on finding someone to share your snacks and steal the covers. Hope you enjoy your special day!
  6. Wishing you a marriage as strong as your coffee and as sweet as those desserts stashed in your desk. Congrats!
  7. May your marriage be filled with love, joy, and a never-ending supply of takeout. Happy shower day!
  8. If you approach your role as wife like you do your work, [Partner’s Name] is going to be one lucky husband. Wishing you a wonderful day of getting showered with love and affection. Congratulations on the special day ahead!
  9. It’s been such a joy getting to know you and counting you as a friend. I’m so excited for your next chapter in life and wish you and [Partner’s Name] nothing but joy and happiness in your future together.

Bridal shower card messages to a granddaughter 

  1. Seeing you all grown up and about to start this new chapter of your life fills my heart with so much joy. I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become and wish you and [Partner’s Name] a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations, my dear!
  2. My wonderful granddaughter, it’s hard to believe you’re getting married — it seems like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms! Remember, always keep a sense of humor and cherish every moment. Wishing you and [Partner’s Name] endless laughter and joy. Love you!
  3. I’ve watched you grow from a cherished child into a beautiful, strong woman. I want you to know that your wedding day will be one of the happiest days of my life. May your marriage be filled with the same love and kindness you’ve always shown. Congratulations, sweetheart!
  4. To my lovely granddaughter, I still remember when you were little, dreaming of your fairy tale wedding. Now, it’s coming true! Wishing you and [Partner’s Name] a magical life together. Enjoy every moment!
  5. It feels like just yesterday you were playing dress-up, and now you’re about to be a bride. I’m so proud of you and the love you’ve found. May your marriage be as wonderful as you are. Congratulations, my dear!
  6. Your wedding day is a dream come true for all of us. I wish you and [Partner’s Name] a marriage filled with love, patience, and joy. You deserve nothing but the best. Congratulations, my sweet girl!
  7. Watching you grow into such a wonderful woman has been a true blessing. As your wedding day approaches, I pray that God blesses your union with love, faith, and joy. May you and [Partner’s Name] be showered with His grace throughout your lives together. Congratulations, my dear.

Bridal shower card messages to a future daughter-in-law  

  1. Welcome to our family, dear [Bride’s Name]. I’ve always dreamed of having a daughter like you. I look forward to growing our relationship as your marriage blooms with love. Wishing you and [Partner’s Name] a lifetime filled with love, joy, and endless happiness.
  2. Congratulations, [Bride’s Name]! I hope you’re ready for all the family dinners and stories about [Partner’s Name]’s childhood. (I promise I still have some good ones left to share!) Wishing you both lots of laughter and love!
  3. I can’t tell you as a mother how much it means to me to see my son find his perfect match. Your love and kindness brighten our lives. May your marriage be as beautiful and special as you are.
  4. To my future daughter-in-law, you’ve already brought so much joy into our family. I’m excited for the wonderful journey ahead for you and [Partner’s Name]. May your love grow stronger with each passing day.
  5. From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. Your kindness and love have already made a lasting impact on our family. May your marriage be filled with endless love and beautiful memories.
  6. Seeing the love between you and [Partner’s Name] grow throughout your relationship has been a wonderful experience for me as a mother. I’m grateful to welcome such a wonderful person into our family. Wishing you both endless love and happiness.
  7. Proverbs 18:22: “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” I’m so grateful that my son found you! As you celebrate your love and commitment, know that you’re not only blessed by each other but also by the divine hand above. Your marriage will be a glorious testament to your faith and a source of inspiration for those around you. Sending you all my love and prayers for a gorgeous wedding day!
Bridal Shower: Bride Holds Wedding Tiara

Bridal shower card messages to a future sister-in-law  

  1. Before the wedding bells ring and the party gets into full swing, I want to let you know how excited I am for you to officially be a part of our family. You already feel like a sister to me, and I can’t wait to make more memories together. Wishing you and [Partner’s Name] the most beautiful wedding day and a lifetime of happiness.
  2. Growing up, I always wondered who my sister-in-law would be. I never could have imagined someone as warm, caring, fun, and loving as you! It will be a joy to watch you two tie the knot, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you both. Love you like a sister! Congrats.
  3. Welcome to the family! Wishing you all the love and happiness as you start this beautiful journey together. May your marriage be filled with joy and laughter…and don’t forget to invite me along for some of your adventures!
  4. They say you can’t choose family, but I’m so grateful [Partner’s Name] chose you! You already feel like a part of the family, but I wanted to take this moment to say how happy I am that you’ll officially be a member of our family soon.
  5. I’m so excited to have you join our family. May your marriage be as wonderful as you are, filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness. Cheers to your future together!
  6. Welcome to the family! Get ready for all the craziness and fun — we don’t do boring here. Wishing you and [Partner’s Name] a marriage filled with love, laughter, and maybe a few quirky family traditions!
  7. So excited to call you my sister-in-law! Remember, in this family, we share everything — especially embarrassing stories about [Partner’s Name]. Here’s to a future filled with laughter and love!
  8. I’ve always wanted a sister, and now I have you! Excited for all the fun times ahead. Congratulations on your big day, and welcome to the family!

Religious bridal shower card messages any loved one could send

  1. As you prepare to marry, I pray that God’s love and grace guide you both in this beautiful journey. May your marriage be filled with His blessings, joy, and peace. Congratulations, and all my love.
  2. I am so happy for you and [Partner’s Name]. May the Lord bless your union and fill your home with His love and grace. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and faith. Congratulations!
  3. I pray that God showers you and [Partner’s Name] with endless blessings as you start this new chapter together. May your marriage be rooted in faith, love, and joy. Congratulations and best wishes!

Warm bridal shower card messages that work for anyone

  1. Seeing you so happy fills my heart with joy. May your wedding day be everything you’ve dreamed of and your marriage be even better. Remember, I’m always here for you. Congratulations!
  2. You deserve all the love and joy that life has to offer. I know you and [Partner’s Name] are going to create something truly beautiful together. Congratulations on your bridal shower and upcoming wedding! I’m so honored to share these special moments with you. Love always.

Bridal shower gift ideas

You’ve written the perfect card but still need just the right bridal shower gift. Here are a few thoughtful suggestions designed just for brides-to-be.

Inspire cuddle time

Give the newlyweds a warm and cozy place to binge-watch their favorite shows with a personalized “Love is Patient” blanket and Mr. and Mrs. personalized pillowcase set.

Cook up some romance

What do they say about a couple that cooks together? They’ll always be well fed with a collection of adorable couple-themed kitchen keepsakes. Create the perfect culinary bridal shower gift with a personalized tea towel, recipe box, recipe cards, and matching aprons.

Celebrate the bride-to-be

Give her a place to show off her wedding pictures with a gorgeously engraved Vera Wang infinity knot frame. Gift it in a lovely canvas tote emblazoned with the word “Bride” in — what else? — gold sequins.


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